Rest in peace our sweet boy, you are no longer in pain.
Clint is pictured going WD, Mid-Hudson Kennel Association June 20, 2009
Judge: Dr. Robert D. Smith
Clint became a champion at the Framingham District Kennel Club (The breeders circuit),"Rhode Island Boxer Club Specialty",Saturday 11/7/2009 , Fitchburg MA, Breeder Judge: Ms.Vera Kollar. Clint went WD/BOW for a 4pt major.
Clint is pictured above going BOB at the Middle Peninsula Kennel Club Of Virginia - Saturday 01/29/2011 under Breeder Judge: Mrs. Monika Pinsker
Sunday 1/30/2011 Middle Peninsula Kennel Club Of Virginia...Clint went BOB under Breeder Judge: Mr. Walter Pinsker.
SAS Clear ~ Doppler~ Dr. Aron C. Wey DVM,DACVIM...11/18/2008
24 Holtered Clear-- 2 years old
vpc sumary: 2 singles, 0 pairs, 0 runs
Pedigree Information